Thursday, October 6, 2011

Me & the Art of Motion Pictures

I am a bit of a film nut, but not yet an aficionado.  I do read up on a bit of film history, I do follow some of the more famous directors, actors & writers, but I do not think I will have the propensity to recall every minute details of the film industry, nor do I consider myself having the acumen to properly critique it.  I am just a film fan who may be just paying a bit more attention, sometimes a tad too much, on things that I like.

My genre interests in motion pictures include: action, adventure, war, western, science fiction, martial arts, period films, anime, animation, comedy, tragedy, drama, thriller, horror and even erotica.  I would say my interest cover a whole gamut of genre and cross-genres.

My heroes include: Ray Harryhausen, George Lucas, John Wayne, Akira Kurosawa, Yuen Woo Ping, Ti Lung, Alexander Fu Sheng, Steven Spielberg, Jackie Chan, Sylvester Stallone, Gary Oldman, Stellan Skarsgård and many many others too numerous to include. 

This humble Blog is intended to explore and present my fascination and fixation with films.  I welcome your opinions, critiques, inputs, advise, comments and whatever else you may throw my way.  This is part of letting the world know I exist - therefore I am. 

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